Simple Newsletter Signup


Easily add a newsletter subscription form to your site and start collecting email addresses to use with MailChimp, Constant contact or other third-party bulk-mailer program! Complete wi

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Easily add a newsletter subscription form to your site and start collecting email addresses to use with MailChimp, Constant contact or other third-party bulk-mailer program! Complete with email management admin panel. Web development is affordable @ Your Local

Usage Notes

You may use these shortcodes in your pages, posts and HTML widgets!

This will display a basic email subscribe form.

Available Options

[simple_newsletter name=”true”]
Set to true to create a “Name” field if you wish to capture the subscribers name as well as email address.

[simple_newsletter title=”My Form Title”]
Gives your form a title. Default displays no title.

[simple_newsletter button=”Go!”]
Changes the text on the button. Default displays “Subscribe”

[simple_newsletter terms=””]
Do you want the subscriber to agree to terms and conditions first? Then enter the URL.

[simple_newsletter terms_text=”I agree to terms & conditions”]
Enter the link text for the terms and conditions link.

[simple_newsletter thanks=”Thank you for subscribing!”]
This is the thank you text that displays after successful submit.

Example of use:

[simple_newsletter name=”true” terms_text=”I agree to the terms and conditions” terms=”” button=”GoYo!” thanks=”Thank you very much for joining our mailing list!”]

Hardcoded into a Theme

Paste this into your theme where you want the form displayed.

$snsf_args = array(
"title"=>"My New Title",
"button"=>"My New Button",
"terms" => "",
"terms_text" => "this is my terms text",
"thanks" => "Thank you sooo much!"
echo do_newsletter($snsf_args);