Contacts BMLT


Contacts BMLT is a plugin that displays helpline and website information about service bodies using the contacts_bmlt shortcode. SHORTCODE Basic: [contacts_bmlt] Attributes: root_server

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Contacts BMLT is a plugin that displays helpline and website information about service bodies using the contacts_bmlt shortcode.

Basic: [contacts_bmlt]
Attributes: root_server, display_type, parent_id, show_description, show_email, show_url_in_name, show_tel_url, show_full_url, show_all_services, show_locations

— Most Shortcode parameters can be combined


A minimum of root_server needs to be set.

Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=””]

display_type To change the display type add display_type=”table” there are two different types table, block the default is table.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” display_type=”table”]

parent_id This will only display service bodies who has set parent_id.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” parent_id=”22″]

show_description This will display the service bodies description underneath the name if set.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_description=”1″]

show_email This will display the service bodies contact email underneath the name if set.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_email=”1″]

show_url_in_name This will add a link to the service body name, this is the default action. To remove the url from the service body name add show_url_in_name=”0quot;.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_url_in_name=”0″]

show_tel_url This will add a tel link to the telephone number. Default is to not add it.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_tel_url=”1″]

show_full_url This will add a separate column or div with the full url displayed. Default is to not add it.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_full_url=”1″]

show_all_services This will display all service bodies regardless of whether they have their phone or URL field filled out. The default is not to display them.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_all_services=”1″]

show_locations This will display a list of locations below the service body name. Accepted values are location_neighborhood, location_city_subsection, location_municipality, location_sub_province.
Ex. [contacts_bmlt root_server=”” show_locations=”location_municipality”]