Conveyancing Quote Calculator


Add a conveyancing quote calculator to your website allowing your visitors to get instant fee estimates on screen and have their conveyancing quote automatically emailed to them as well

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Add a conveyancing quote calculator to your website allowing your visitors to get instant fee estimates on screen and have their conveyancing quote automatically emailed to them as well. You will be alerted via email to any quotes which have been sent to prospective clients and all the clients information will be stored in Hoowla’s online conveyancing platform.

Are you a Conveyancer, Solicitor, Estate Agent, Mortgage Broker or simply doing some web work for them and want to find out more about our Conveyancing Platform? Get in touch ( and we’d be happy to answer any of your questions or help you setup the conveyancing calculator.

This plugin requires a Hoowla account, it’s free to signup and requires a quote form to be setup within the system (it’s also free).

Requires WordPress 3.4+ and PHP5+.