Curved Text


A very simple shortcode series to create a curved text in WordPress using Arctext.js Examples: [arctext type=’p’ title=’How to curve text in WordPress?’ class=’curved-text’

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A very simple shortcode series to create a curved text in WordPress using Arctext.js


[arctext type=’p’ title=’How to curve text in WordPress?’ class=’curved-text’ radius=’500′ dir =’-1′ rotate=’false’]

[arctext type=’div’ title=’How to curve text in WordPress?’ class=’curved-text’ radius=’300′ dir =’1′]

[arctext type=’h3′ title=’How to curve text in WordPress?’ class=’curved-text’ radius=’200′ ]

  • Type : Type of element. Ex: p, span, h1, h2, h3, h4, div, ..
  • Title: Text to be displayed.
  • Class: Name of the class. It can be defined to style the class from the CSS file.
  • Radius: It should be a number. Ex: 100, 500.
  • Dir: Change the direction. It can be -1 or 1.
  • Rotate: Non-rotated / rotated letters.

