Decorative Caps with Series


This plugin requires Organize Series by Darren Ethier (2.4.6 has been tested but other versions should work). It serves no purpose without it. If you need decorative caps functionality

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This plugin is outdated and might not be supported anymore.


This plugin requires Organize Series by Darren Ethier (2.4.6 has been tested but other versions should work). It serves no purpose without it. If you need decorative caps functionality without series, use the Decorative Caps plugin by Steve Sensenig.

The first letter of a post (provided that the post does not start with an image or a series of HTML tags — some basic parsing to check this takes place) is modified as specified in the corresponding CSS class. This works even in posts that are split up into pages.

An options page for the plugin includes specifying the CSS class name for each series.

NOTE: I have assumed that each site will have 10 or less series.

To format the initial letter of each post in a series, you must:
* specify a CSS class name for each series on the options page
* create the CSS class in your theme’s stylesheet.

Decorative Caps with Series

Contributors: RhapsodyInProse
Tags: formatting, decorative caps, series, initial caps
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 2.1

Replaces the first letter of the post on a per-series basis with the font/color/text decoration of your choice, in your theme CSS file.