DMC User List


Create user lists in posts and pages. I am a member and webmaster for a Barbershop Chorus. While working on the site, I found it desireable for each member to be users of the website so

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Create user lists in posts and pages.

I am a member and webmaster for a Barbershop Chorus. While working on the site,
I found it desireable for each member to be users of the website so that they could
contribute content, to contrl access to private pages and torestrict commenting while
still allowing member commenting. This allows the web site to have a membership list without
the redundant entry of data.

Tested with the plugin ‘Extra User Details’ to add user metadata but most similar plugins should work.
Also tested with ‘Basic User Avatars’ for user avatar support in the listing. I intend to support other
user avatar plugins in future releases.

Features include:
* Upgrade Safe customization
* Importing users from a Excel Spreadsheet
* Exporting users to a Excel Spreadsheet


This plugin is built almost completely with PHP Objects. All of the obhects except dmc_user_list.php can be inherited for customiztion.
There are some rules for this:

  • The customized object must be in the custom directory.
  • The filename must be _custom.php, i.e. gd_admin_custom.php
  • The class must be named _custom and inherit , i.e class gd_core_custom inherits gd_core {.
  • It should include a constructor that calls the parent constructor:
    function __construct() {

Ading functionality on the admin side
‘class dmc_user_admin_custom extends dmc_user_admin {

* class constructpr.
function __construct() {

* Create Admin menus
function admin_menu () {
add_submenu_page(‘dmc-user’,” ,”, ‘activate_plugins’, ”, array(&$this, ”));

* Page
function () {
// code goes here
