Jimmy Codeviewer


Jimmy Codeviewer is a shortcode library to load text, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and other scripts to WordPress pages. By using this plugin, you can reduce quantity of your code, e.

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Jimmy Codeviewer is a shortcode library to load text, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and other scripts to WordPress pages. By using this plugin, you can reduce quantity of your code, e.g., if you want to put a proportional sample of programming code in your page, you just type one shortcode, then you get the sample with line numbers and colored words which you intended. In addition, you can make pages with layout similar to magazines on paper by using “magazine”, a theme template.


In my first mind, I purposed to make a viewer for programming code for my site that introduces my articles. It was OK and named this plugin as “Jimmy Codeviewer”. But in making “Jimmy Codeviewer”, I think this could be a multipurpose text viewer. On this time, many news sites have very simple layout for their contents. You could watch magazines or papers at a news-stand everyday, and these are so colorful and design-riches. I just want these on Internet. Colorful design-riches actually make us some attention and affection. Web browsers are growing their rendering ability right now. This challenge — making magazines or newspapers on Internet — not a dream, but a real on Internet. In addition, I tried to change WordPress to SVG-Free. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is one of vector graphics containers. It’s just like HTML and JavaScrpt. This is exactly the reason why WordPress Community prohibits to upload SVG Files by Media Uploader. If SVGs are programming codes, these should be stored as scripts in pages. But “Posts” and “Pages” are having their own purposes as public pages. So I decided to make “jArticles”, inner pages and store texts, SVGs and scripts to “jArticles”. For loading “jArticles” on “Posts”, I made several WordPress shortcodes.

Jimmy Codeviewer consists of three departments which have several WordPress shortcodes and functions.

I. Code Viewer

a. Shortcodes: [codeview_byid] and [codeview_byname] to show text in “Posts”.

b. Edit Instructions: (edit(exam-ple)) to make HTML markup or other escaped literal codes in “jArticles” pages.

c. Style Sheet: CSS Style Sheet to make web layout easier with Code Viewer.

II. Article Loader

a. Shortcodes: [articleloader_byid] and [articleloader_byname] to show SVGs or other scripts in “Posts”.

III. Color and Style Changer

a. Shortcodes: [init_spansearch], [spansearch] and [spansearch_all] to change the text color and other styles. [divsearch] to change the row styles.

b. JavaSctipt: ‘spanSearch’ and its family, the engine to provide the above shortcodes to function.


The Jimmy Codeviewer, A WordPress Plugin, Copyright 2017 Kenta Ishii
Jimmy Codeviewer is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.