MaxiCharts D3js


Create beautiful sunbursts, networks, trees based on free csv datasheets or dedicated Custom Post Type. Uses the wonderfull js library d3.js. Shortcode Create a d3js chart based on json

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Create beautiful sunbursts, networks, trees based on free csv datasheets or dedicated Custom Post Type. Uses the wonderfull js library d3.js.


Create a d3js chart based on json or CPT nodes (created by plugin):

Create sunburst from hierarchical JSON file:

[maxicharts_d3js show_buttons="" type="sunburst" height="500"]"

Create tree from hierarchical JSON file:

[maxicharts_d3js show_buttons="" type="tree" data_path"https://url_of_your_json.json"]

Create tree from gravity forms form (need conditionnalLogic):

[maxicharts_d3js show_buttons="" type="tree" gf_form_id="3" width="1600" height="1000"]

Create network from Network nodes:

[maxicharts_d3js_nodes show_buttons="" width="960px" height="500px"]