Pile Gallery


Create beautiful sortable and stackable galeries from your WordPress posts and media items. If you’d like to take a look at the plugin in action I suggest taking a look at the Pile Ga

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Create beautiful sortable and stackable galeries from your WordPress posts and media items. If you’d like to take a look at the plugin in action I suggest taking a look at the Pile Gallery home page.

Pile Gallery can use any categories, tags or any custom taxonomy and create stacked galleries from your posts based on them. It will take the featured image of each post in a category and put them in a pile. The pile can be clicked to be expanded with a nice animation. The resulting images can then be clicked to go to the post or image.

A number of things can be customized on the back and the front end to make Pile Gallery more awesome. I am working on adding more andmore features, so if you need something, let me know 🙂

  • Gallery source
  • Animation delay
  • Random rotation
  • Columns
  • Gutter

Pile Gallery should also work on all your devices like tablets and phones. It is completely responsive, going into a one-column layout on smaller screens

I’d like to say a special thank you to Pedro Botelho for his Codrops Post upon which we based the Javascript functionality of the plugin. Take a look at his work, it’s awesome!