Simple Pricing Table


Simple Pricing Table creates a new pricing-table custom post type and enables you to create multiple pricing tables with either a widget or a shortcode. There is minimal styling include

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Simple Pricing Table creates a new pricing-table custom post type and enables you to create multiple pricing tables with either a widget or a shortcode. There is minimal styling included with the plugin, keeping it lightweight and easy to override with your own custom CSS.

Available Filters

All of the plugins HTML output can be filtered to overwrite the default markup. Here is an example of how to change the heading tag:

add_filter( 'spt_markup_name', 'custom_pricing_table_heading');
 * Change Pricing Table heading.
function custom_pricing_table_heading() {
    return '<h5 class="pricing-table__name">%s</h5>';

To disable inline CSS output use the following filter:

add_filter( 'spt_inline_css', '__return_false' );

Shortcode Usage

Here is an example of the Simple Pricing Table shortcode. The pricing table ID can be found from the Edit Pricing Table screen:

[pricing-table id="1234"]