TD Admin Lock & Load


Don’t leave your barn door open! Lock down your admin login form and load up another site instead for unwanted guests. On servers with limited memory, recursive calls to your WordPres

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Don’t leave your barn door open! Lock down your admin login form and load up another site instead for unwanted guests.

On servers with limited memory, recursive calls to your WordPress admin login panel alone can lead to serious memory and load
issues that can potentially crash your server. This plugin prevents access to
the login screen without the correct access code appended to the url.

This plugin will kill the process of loading the admin panel prior to the loading of
the template, and other such resource intensive processes that occur even when a user is not yet logged in.

How to Use
1. Create your access code.
2. Click the Activate Admin Lock checkbox.
3. Optionally divert traffic to another url.
4. Future admin login should use the following URL:
Where “CODE” is the access code you enter.

Visit for more information.