Plugin Varnish Purges


Based on Varsnish plugins by pkhamre, wfelipe, eitch, but heavily forked for extensibility. WordPress Varnish Purges is a plugin that purges new and edited content, it’s intent is to

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This plugin is outdated and might not be supported anymore.


Based on Varsnish plugins by pkhamre, wfelipe, eitch, but heavily forked for

WordPress Varnish Purges is a plugin that purges new and edited content, it’s
intent is to be usable for a multi-site installation, to support all necessary
purge orders for wordpress and to be expandable via extensions.

This plugin purges your varnish cache it’s intent is do do it for any action
taken. This plugin supports what is called extensions that can be added to add
special purges for specific wordpress plugins.

This plugins is mainly aimed at multi-sites installations (but can be used on a mono site installation) and requires some knowledge about varnish and vcl files.

Planned in a really near future

  • update wordpress VCL (done commit
  • extension check for a warning when unsupported plugins or widget is
  • support for nextgen gallery
  • wiki, especially for varnish configuration.
