WP Github Recent commit


Widget that grabs a random Octocat from the GitHub octodex and the latest commit from the master branch of a public GitHub repository. It can be used as a normal widget by going to App

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Widget that grabs a random Octocat from the GitHub octodex and the latest commit from the master branch of a public GitHub repository. It can be used as a normal widget by going to Apperance > Widgets, by adding the shortcode [wpgrc username="username"] in your post editor, or by adding <?php wpgrc( array( 'username' => 'username' ); ?>. You can checkout a live demo of all three [here]demo and get more information about all three under the installation tab. Plugin Home Page: http://dholloran.github.com/wp-github-recent-commit/
If you have any issues please submit an issue or fix it/submit a pull request I will try to handle it ASAP. You an also contact me at support@danholloran.com.