WP Simple Tracker


WP Simple Tracker is a functional (yet basic) issue tracking system to plug right in your WordPress powered site! Operating an issue tracking system has never been this easy! Currently

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This plugin is outdated and might not be supported anymore.


WP Simple Tracker is a functional (yet basic) issue tracking system to plug
right in your WordPress powered site! Operating an issue tracking system
has never been this easy!

Currently it can operate one tracker per blog. However the back-end was
designed to allow as many trackers as you might want. This will be targeted
in a later release.

This plugin is based on WP-IssueTracker by Mahmoud Sakr, which is no longer
maintained by the author. You can upgrade directly from that to this
(strongly recommended due to security issues in the orignial), by removing
it and installing this instead. Your existing issues will remain intact.
